Friday, 13 January 2017

The Ordinary - Advanced Retinoid 2%

Continuing with my series about The Ordinary, next up is the Advanced Retinoid 2%. I really wanted to give this a good test run to be sure about the effect.

First things first a little trivia. This will get a bit science-y, but bare with me:

Retinoid is not to be mixed up with retinol. Retinoid is a chemical compound that is related to Vitamin A, it helps cell turnover, stimulates collagen, strengthens the deeper layers of the skin and reduces pigmentation.  Retinol is a form of Vitamin A, when applied, the skin converts it into retinoic acid that helps with reducing lines, reduces photoageing. These two basically do the same thing,but it may take longer to get results with retinols to because they are essentially weaker and retinol might cause more irritation too.

Which one to get? Retinoids and retinols come in all different shapes and sizes built into serums, moisturisers, peel pads,concentrates, oils in  different concentrations.  It's all about trial and error, I'm afraid, because everyone's tolerance is different. Once you find what works for you, you get brilliant results.

I've been using the Advanced Retinoid 2%  since October as part of my evening routine two-three times a week inserted between my cleansing and my serum step and I have to say, this is a brilliant addition to any anti-aging routine BUT mostly because I know what the effects will be. This is a product where the results are visually less spectacular as you start using it(there's no irritation, no peeling, so you won't see the product physically working straight away), you have to be patient with this and wait for months to see the difference.  Retinoid is much more subtle than retinol, the key is consistensy, persistance and months along the line you will see great results. My skin is definitely clearer and less pore-y (I have a tendency to make up words like that, sorry) since I've been using it.

The Advanced Retionid 2% his is really clever skincare and I think all Retin based products are really worth understanding so you can get the best out of them. If you are over 35?  Go for it. This one is only £8.00 for 30 ml so even if it turns out to be not your cuppa, you won't lose much money. Just make sure you do a little research before you start using it and read the instructions on the website. (You can find it here)

Don't forget to be very particular about using SPF during the day while on retinoids, just to make sure all the good work you're doing to your skin with retinoid is not ruined. Another thing to remember is, don't overdo it. More is not more, just use a little bit and spread it all over the face, neck and chest. This is not a product for everyday use.

You will find all The Ordinary products on the Victoria's Health wesbite here.


  1. How long before I can see results Retinol?

  2. This retioid formula gets less visible results straight away than a usual retinol just because it doesn't cause irritation = peeling. As with any retinol product it takes months until you get real reasults but it's really worth it!
